Dean's Office for CETA
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecturealnajjar@mygril-yaoyao.com 860.768.5015 UT203
PhDEE, Vanderbilt University
MSEE, Ohio University
BSEE, Aleppo University
Hisham Alnajjar is the Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA). He served in different capacities at the College, including Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, Director of the Engineering Application Center, and most recently the Director of the NASA CT Space Grant Consortium. Alnajjar continues to connect with students in the College through teaching a junior course in Engineering Practice, focusing on the business aspects of engineering designs.
A PhD graduate from Vanderbilt University with research interests in sensor array processing, digital signal processing, power systems, and engineering education. He has worked extensively in signal and image processing including character recognition.
University of Hartford Experience
- Associate Dean and Co-Director of the Engineering Application Center, College of Engineering, Technology & Architecture, University of Hartford, 2012 - present
- Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Technology & Architecture, University of Hartford, 2007 - Dec 2012
- Associate Dean and Chair Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Hartford, Feb – Jul 2007
- Assistant Dean and Chair Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Hartford, 2000 - Feb 2007
- Department Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Hartford, 1998-2007
Academic Positions
- Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Hartford, 2009 - present
- Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Hartford, 2001 - 09
- Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Hartford, 1995-2001
- Associate Professor of Engineering Technology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN, 1994 - 95
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, PT Aug 1994 - Aug 1995
- Graduate Student/Instructor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, Jun 1989 - Jul 1994
- Instructor, Faculty of Engineering, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria, FT 1982 - Jan 1985
Industrial Experience
- Electrical Engineer, Hama’s Electric Company, Hama, Syria, 1980 - 82
- Moslehpour, S., Kondo, J., Janeb, K., and Alnajjar, H., “Breakthrough Detection Using Laser-Induced Thermal Diffusion Shock Waves”. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, volume 12, 2012.
- Grant, L., Abu-Aisheh, A., Hadad, A., Alnajjar, H., Poole, B., “Successful integration of informal learning in engineering education”. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2012 IEEE EDUCON 2012, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Keshawarz, M., Alnajjar, H., and Azimi, A., “Accomplishments and Lessons: Learned A Partnership between University of Hartford, and Herat University”. ASEE proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 2012.
- Moslehpour, S., Kulcu, E. and Alnajjar, H., “Model Based Control Design Using SLPS Simulink PSpice Interface”. Advanced Techniques in Computing, 2010 – Springer.
- Alnajjar, H., Almohri, H., and Gray, J., “A Real-time DSP-Based Optical Character Recognition System for Isolated Arabic Characters Using the TI TMS320C6416T”. International Journal of Modern Engineering, Fall/Winter 2009, p. 43-48.
- Moslehpour, S., Kondo, J., and Alnajjar, H., “FM Transmitter System for Telemetrized Temperature Sensing Project”. Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 6, Number 11 or 12, 2009.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Alnajjar, H., “Design Coordination of Pre-amp EDFAs and PIN Photon Detectors for Use in Telecommunications Optical Receivers”, International Journal of Modern Engineering, Spring 2010.
- Alnajjar, H., Keshawarz, M., Abu-aisheh, A., Moslehpour, S., Ahmady, N. A. and Shetty, D., “A Mechatronics Program as an Alternative to Separate Programs in Electrical and Mechanical in Developing Countries”, ASEE proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX.
- Keshawarz, M., Alnajjar, H., Richards, B. and Sofizada, A. H., “Modernizing Engineering Education as Herat University a Partnership between University of Hartford and Herat University”, ASEE proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX.
- Richards, B., Keshawarz, M. and Alnajjar, H. “Analysis and Revision of the “English for Engineers” Program at Herat University, Afghanistan", ASEE proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Alnajjar, H., “Pre-amp EDFA ASE Noise Characterization for Optical Receiver Transmission Performance Optimization”, International Journal of Modern Engineering, Spring 2009.
- Moslehpour, S., Kulcu, E. and Alnajjar, H., “Model Based Control Design Using SLPS Simulink PSpice Interface”, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking, December 2008, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- Moslehpour, S., Kondo, J. and Alnajjar, H., “FM Transmitter System for Telemetrized Temperature Sensing Project”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, December 2008, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Alnajjar, H., “Pre-amp EDFA ASE Noise Characterization for Optical Receiver Transmission Performance”, 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, November 17-19, 2008 Nashville, Tennessee.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Alnajjar, H., “Design Coordination of Pre-amp EDFAs and PIN Photon Detectors for Use in Telecommunications Optical Receivers”, 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, November 17-19, 2008 Nashville, Tennessee.
- Almohri, H., Gray, J., and Alnajjar, H., “A Real-time DSP-Based Optical Character Recognition System for Isolated Arabic characters using the TI TMS320C6416T”, 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, November 17-19, 2008 Nashville, Tennessee.
- Hill, J., Alnajjar, H., and Moslehpour, S., “Educational Discrete Time Signal Processing Toolkit”, Computer in Education Journal, Volume XVIII, Number 2, April-June 2008, pages 6-17, ISSN 0736-8607.
- Pines, D. and Alnajjar, H., “Evolution of an Interdisciplinary Sophomore Design Course at the University of Hartford”, proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
- Nagurney, L. S. and Alnajjar, H., “Work in Progress - The Five Paragraph Essay in Junior/Senior Electrical Engineering Courses”, Proceedings of the 2008 Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY 2008.
- Hill, J., Alnajjar, H., and Moslehpour, S., “Educational Discrete Time Signal Processing Toolkit”, proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii 2007.
- Leone, D., Hadad, A., Coleman, S., Alnajjar, H. and Elsaghir, H., “Teaching Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Including Laboratory Sessions, using a Combination of Distance Learning and Distance Teaching Techniques”, proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Portland, Oregon.
- Alnajjar, H. and Godbout, L., “Web-Based Circuit Animator to Aid in Teaching Circuit Theory”, proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Nashville, TN.
- Bayat, O., Alnajjar, H., Ucan, O. and Osman, O., “Performance of Turbo Coded Signals over Fading Channels”. Journal of Electrical & Electronics, Istanbul University, Engineering Faculty, V.2, No. 1, 2002.
- Alnajjar, H. and Pines, D., “Integrative Learning Blocks to Connect Writing, Math and Physics with Freshman Engineering Courses”, proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Zone I Conference, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY.
- Pines, D., Nowak, M., Alnajjar, H., Gould, L. I. and Benardete, D., “Integrating Science and Math into Freshmen Engineering Design Course”, proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference.
- Richards, B., Alnajjar, H., A. Ader, R. Adrezin, B. Isaacs & P. Tempel, “Integrating Critical Thinking & Writing Curriculum into Freshman Engineering” , proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Shetty, D., Leone, D., Alnajjar, H., Keshawarz, M., Nagurney, L. and Smith, L. T., “Integrating Engineering Design with Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences Using Integrative Learning Blocks”, proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference.
- Alnajjar, H. and Foss, M. Acoustic-Phonetic Approach to Speech Recognition” International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT 00), Dallas, TX, October 2000.
- Krishnan, J., Tamhanker, H. and Alnajjar, H., “Target Tracking Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using LVQ Neural Networks”. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT 00), Dallas, TX, Oct. 2000.
- Alnajjar, H. and Al-Balawi, F., “Active Noise Control Using DSP Hardware”. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT 00), Dallas, TX, Oct. 2000.
- Alnajjar, H. “Getting Freshmen to Make the Connection Between Courses Through Integrative Learning Blocks (ILBs)”. 2000 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition. St. Louis, MO, June 2000.
- Alnajjar, H. “Digital Signal Processing/Image Processing: Freshman to Senior Year”. 1999 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Charlotte, NC, June 1999.
- Shertukde, H., Alnajjar, H., Prabhune, U. and Thirugnanasambanther, S., “Salient Features of Practical Implementations of the Interface Circuitry Using High Speed Multiplexing”. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT 98), Montreal, Canada, Sept. 1998.
- Shertukde, H., Alnajjar, H., Prabhune, U. and Thirugnanasambanther, S., “Real Time Transformer Fault Diagnostics Using Supersonic Sensors and Wavelet Transforms”. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT 97), pp. 1341-1345, San Diego, CA, Sept. 1997.
- Shertukde, H., Alnajjar, H., and Prabhune, U., “Fault Detection Device for Electrical Transformers Using Novel DSP Scheme”. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT), pp. 12-1223, Boston, October 1996.
- Prabhune, U., Alnajjar, H. and Shertukde, H. M., “Real Time Test Equipment for Partial Discharge Analysis”. Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, University of Connecticut, March 1996.
- Alnajjar, H., & D.M. Wilkes, “Multiple Covariance Matrix Spectral Model for Direction of Arrivals”. Tennessee Academy of Science, Nashville, TN, April 1995.
- Alnajjar, H. and Wilkes, D. M., “Multiple Covariance Matrix Spectral Model for Direction of Arrivals”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) SoutheastCon 95, pp. 402-405, Raleigh, NC, March 1995.
- Wilkes, D.M. and Alnajjar, H., “Critical Distance and the Performance of Sensor Array Geometries,” IEE Journal on Radar and Antenna, pp. 333-336, Vol. 141, No. 6, December 1994.
- Wilkes, D. M., Alnajjar, H., Liang, G. and Cadzow, J.A., “Recursive Eigenspace Decomposition, RISE, and Application,” Digital Signal Processing; a Review Journal, pp. 79-94, Vol. 4, Number 2, April 1994.
- Alnajjar, H., and Wilkes, D. M., “Adapting the Geometry of a Sensor Subarray,”. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics. Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Minn. April 1993.
Courses taught at the University of Hartford:
- ECE 440/ ECE 441/ ECE 641 Digital Signal Processing
- ECE 540 (Senior & Grad) Digital Signal Processing Hardware
- ECE 572 (Senior & Grad) Power System Analysis
- ECE 471/ ECE 473 Transformers and Machinery
- ECE 231/ ECE 232 Digital Design
- ECE 423 Communications
- ECE 483 Senior Design II
- ECE 591 (Senior & Grad) Special Topics in ECE (Image Processing)
- ECE 672 (Grad course) Protective Relays
- ES 116 (Freshmen) Engineering Honors Seminars I
- ES 117 (Freshmen) Engineering Honors Seminars II
- ES 143 (all eng programs) Engineering and Design
- ES 242 (all eng programs) Engineering by Design
- ES 342 (all eng programs) Engineering Practice
- ECE 600 Master Thesis
- ECE 210 (for non-majors) Introduction to Circuit Analysis
- ECE 420 Random Signals & Noise
- EE 540 - Developed a course in Digital Signal Processing Hardware.
- Laboratory manual for the digital signal processing laboratory course ECE 441.
- Laboratory manual for the digital design laboratory course ECE 232.
- ES 143 Engineering & Design - A new course for all engineering freshmen.
- ES 101 Engineering Dialogue - A new course for all engineering freshmen.
- ES 143 Engineering & Design
- ES 101 Engineering Dialogue
- ET 111 Introduction to Engineering Technology
- ES 242 Engineering by Design