Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architectureshertukde@mygril-yaoyao.com 860.768.4847 UT 230
PhD, University of Connecticut
MSEE, University of Connecticut
DMS, University of Bombay
BTech, Indian Institute of Technology
Additional Education Background
Thesis dissertation: "Tracking of Crossing Targets with Passive Sensors." Concept extensively used by US Air Force in Gulf war in 1991-92 in collaboration with Raytheon, MA.
Thesis: "Target Parameter Estimation with a Single Pair of Sensors Using Time Difference of Arrival and Depression Angle Measurements."
Corporate and Business
President and CEO
MedScanSonics Inc., September 2004-October 2005. (also Founder and Board Member).
Coronary Artery Diagnostics Using Signal Characteristic Analysis (CADSCAN) device, raised and funded $4MM through Connecticut Venture Group and Cross Roads Competition in Yale, April 2004. Awarded US patent # 7,291,111 on November 6, 2007. This patent is assigned to MedScanSonics, Inc. in September of 2004.
Consulting fellow/Chief Technology Officer, Founder Member and Board of Director
Diagnostic Devices Inc (DDI), August 1992 to present.
This company is run by Ms. Rekha Shertukde, (`96). DDI is a licensee for the patent # 6,178,386 assigned to the University of Hartford in 2001 by Dr. H. Shertukde, et. al.
Industry Experience
Crompton Greaves Ltd (CGL), Bombay, India 1977-1983; Senior Production Executive: 1982-1983
- (In collaboration with Westinghouse, USA) Designer and Production Superintendent for the manufacture of EHV Transformers, Gapped-Core Shunt Reactors. I was trained in Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, USA and Westinghouse Canada Ltd., Hamilton Canada, 1981.
- Youngest Indian (28 years) to be sent to Westinghouse USA/Canada for training in the design and manufacture extra high voltage (EHV - 425kV) transformers and EHV gapped core shunt reactors. Revolutionized the entire design and manufacturing process as provided by Westinghouse, Canada from the torroidal gapped core to radially assembled laminations in pie-form packets and using slate as the material to provide gaps in the core structure as opposed to high price fiberglass insulation to precise tolerances on surface finish. This radically improved the manufacturability of the core packets resulting in avoidance of hazardous material like HCL acid needed for removal of burr in the gaps of the torroidal core. Eventually CGL ended reverse transferring technology to Westinghouse in this field.
- Additional positions held:
- Senior Design Executive: 1981-1982.
- Design Officer: 1979-1981.
- Assistant Design Officer: 1978-1979.
- Management Trainee: 1977-1978.
Expert and well versed in the design and manufacture of EHV (420 kV), large power, medium power, industrial transformers (up to 400 MVA, 525 kV) and EHV gapped-core shunt reactors (up to 25 MVAR, 525 kV). Awarded ‘Best Young Electrical Engineer’ at CGL and elevated to Senior Executive with Superintendent responsibilities of the Core-coil section of Kanjur Works in 1981.
Assistant Engineer (1975-1977) in the Auto-maintenance section of a major truck manufacturing company: Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company Ltd. (TELCO), India (previously in collaboration with Daimler Benz) now called as TATA Motors, India.
Awarded General Manager's certificate for the best graduate trainee, 1976. Worked with Mr. Sharad Jakatdar, General Manager of TELCO, Pune in the Project Management for diversifying manufacture of 150 tons, semi-forward trucks. Revolutionized the foundry using induction melting methods for the foundry furnaces to manufacture engine block in a clean and sharp environment.
Academic Past and Present Positions
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, March 1995 to present
- Senior Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT,
Sep 1, 2011 to present. - Chairman of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Hartford, May 1994 to
May 1998. Successfully guided the ECE Department through two ABET evaluations in
1994 and 1997 respectively. - On Sabbatical leave for Fall 2012, to write a book on Distributed Photo Voltaic (DPV)
Grid Transformers by December 31, 2012, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Publishers
(Publisher Ms. Nora Konopka), completed July 31, 2013,ready for printing February 15,
2014 - On Sabbatical leave, Fall 2002 - sponsored and funded research with Diagnostic
- Devices Inc. CADSCAN – utility patent awarded USPTO: 7,291,111.
- On Sabbatical leave, Fall 1995 - sponsored and funded research with Northeast Utilities
Systems, Construction Test and Maintenance, Berlin, CT. Resulted in a major grant
(G0623) from Connecticut Innovations Inc. (CII) of $224,000 from Sep 12, 1996-Sep 11,
1998. Utility Patent US Patent # 6,178,386 - Director of Graduate Studies, College of Engineering, University of Hartford, August
1993 to August 1998. Successfully initiated the graduate program and introduced new
programs like E2M, 3+2 etc. - Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering with tenure at the University of Hartford, Fall
1992 to Spring 1995. - Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Hartford, Fall 1988
- Spring 1992.
Research Interests
- Signal processing
- Multitarget tracking
- Multisensor data fusion
- Power systems
- Fault monitoring of power operations
- Multisensor data Integration/Fusion: Applications to tracking and robotics.
- Estimation and filtering, Decision theory and its application to tracking with image-based sensors and passive sensors.
- Digital Signal processing and its application to Nuclear Spectroscopy.
- Information theory and its application to sequential fault diagnosis in hierarchical systems.
- HVAC and HVDC systems, design and manufacture of EHV transformers and gapped-core shunt reactors.
- Power System Restoration Plans and Knowledge-based expert Systems.
- Magnetic Shielding from 60 Hz sources Applications of Data Acquisition Techniques to Electrical Power Laboratory Procedures.
- Real-time fault diagnostics of Power Transformers Using Wavelet Transform techniques.
- CADSCAN – Coronary Artery Diagnostics Using Signal Characteristic Analysis. Non-invasive tool for front line detection of coronary arterial stenosis in PCPs office.
- GREEN 707 – Electric Vehicle (EV) – Faculty Advisor for this student led team since Fall of 2009. This converted Chevy S-10 will be ready for drag racing in May of 2012. Raised more than $30,000 and personally donated $1,000 to this project.
- Smart Grid Technology Applications to Micro Grids
Honors and Awards
- Nominated for the Distinguished Alumni Academy by Prof. Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Distinguished Board Of Regents Professor, UCONN, Storrs, October 2005, 2006.
- Nominated for IEEE Fellow status, March 2005
- Nominated for the Distinguished Alumni Academy by Prof. Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Distinguished Board Of Regents Professor, UCONN, Storrs, March 2005.
- Recipient Bent Award for Creativity, University of Hartford, May 1997.
- Certificate of Excellence from CT Engineers Week, 1997.
- Nominated for CASE membership by Dean John. P. Cagnetta, Fall 1994.
- Nominated for Graduate Faculty Teaching Award of Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools, for 1994-95, by Dean John P. Cagnetta, Fall 1994.
- Nominated for Bent and Larsen award at the University of Hartford, 1993 &1994
- Listed in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1993
- Listed in "Men of Achievement" UK, 1993
- Listed as "International Man of the Year" UK, 1993
- Listed in "Who's Who in the East", 1992.
- Member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu honor societies.
- Awarded the Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Award for 1988 at the University of Connecticut.
- Fellow - University of Connecticut [1988]
- National Merit scholar - Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur [1970-1975].
- Recipient of the Vincent B. Coffin Grant award for 1989-90
- Recipient of Grant writing release award for Fall 1990 at the University of Hartford, $3,500.
- Awarded "Faculty Grant" from the National Engineering Consortium to attend the Eastern Communications Conference in Boston, Spring, 1989 and the National Communications Conference in Chicago, Fall 1990
- Recipient of Equipment Grant from Hewlett Packard for $17,460 under the University Grants Program, (HP Gift No. 14834), Summer 1992.
- Recipient of Supplement to an existing Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement award from NSF (DUE - 9054189) in conjunction with Professor Maurice Aburdene and Professor, E. J. Mastascusa of Bucknell University, Sep 1992 ($12,000).
- Recipient of Grant writing release award for Fall 1992 at the University of Hartford, $3,500.
- Recipient of the Vincent B. Coffin Grant award for 1992-93.
- Recipient of Connecticut Space Grant: Efficient Wide-Band Cross-Correlation Tracking, 6/1/94 - 5/31/95 and ATM/B-ISDN Switch Fabric Using Fuzzy-Neural Networks.
- Recipient of Connecticut Space Grant: Travel Grant for $1,000 for 1997-98.
- Co-PI on NSF-ILI grant award DUE-9750697 for DSP Laboratory for $11,082 and matched by University of Hartford for $11,082, June 1997.
- Connecticut Space Grant: Wavelet Transform Spectrometer for NASA, 5/31/97.
- Travel Grant from Diagnostic Devices Inc., # DDI-G9901, IEEE Travel to Leon, Mexico, November 1998.
- Recipient of Educational grant for faculty and students from Elanix in the amount of approx. $25,000, Fall/Spring 1999.
- Recipient of ETAP 6.0 -11.1 software grant for $265,000 from OTI, Inc, CA, July, 2007.
- Recipient of DOE Grant DE-FG36-08GO88004 – Distributed Photo Voltaic (DPV) Systems Evaluation of Economic Benefits of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems $492,000, Fall 2008.
- H. M. Shertukde, Engineering Model for the evaluation of a specific LOLP of a generic DPV system to generate an ELCC.
- Recipient of Travel Grant ($1,925) for recruitment of Graduate Students, GSC, University of Hartford, CT, March 2010.
- Co-PI. $2.4 Million OTA grant from Army in conjunction with ARDEC, NJ, May 2010-April 2012.
Books and Book Chapters
- Co-author: Multitarget-Multisensor Tracking: Applications and Advances, Vol. II, Edited by Y. Bar-Shalom, Artech House, 1991.
- Transformers: Theory, Design and Practice with Practical Applications: New and Improved look at Transformers with emphasis on partial discharge, core designs ... finite element analysis and 18-slot designs - Paperback (Aug. 8, 2010) by Hemchandra Shertukde, VDM-Mueller.
- Tracking of Crossing Targets with Passive Sensors: Tracking of Crossing Targets Using Forward Looking Infrared Red Sensors as Passive sensors and "Track-Before... Detect (TBD)" Methodology (German Edition) - Paperback (Sept. 3, 2010) by Hemchandra Shertukde, VDM Mueller
- Book Chapter # 10 with Dr. David Buckmaster; on Transformers related to Wind and Solar Energy edited by Mr. Jim Harlow, CRC Press, Taylor Francis Publishers, published in the Summer of 2012 (Publisher Ms. Nora Konopka)
- Awarded Sabbatical leave for Fall 2012 to write a book on Distributed Photo Voltaic
(DPV) Grid Transformers by July 31, 2013, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
Publishers (Publisher Ms. Nora Konopka), completion date July 31, 2013. Book
writing completed and will be published January 15, 2014. Go to www.amazon.com
and search for my name for all books published and to be published in the near
future. - H. M. Shertukde, “ Digital Control Applications illustrated with Matlab”, in preparation
to be submitted for publication to CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Company, Boca
Raton, Florida, Fall 2013. - H. M. Shertukde, “ Digital Signal Processing Methodologies Applied to passive
Structural Integrity Evaluation”, in preparation to be submitted for publication to CRC
Press, Taylor and Francis Company, Boca Raton, Florida, Fall 2013.
- H.M. Shertukde, Y. Bar-Shalom, "Target Parameter Estimation in the near-field with two sensors" IEEE Trans. on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, Aug. 1988.
- Y. Bar-Shalom, H.M. Shertukde and K.R. Pattipati "Use of measurements from an imaging sensor for precision target tracking" IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 25, Nov. 1989.
- Y. Bar-Shalom, K.C. Chang and H.M. Shertukde, "Performance evaluation of a cascaded logic for track formation in clutter", IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 25, Nov, 1989.
- Y. Bar-Shalom, H.M. Shertukde and K.R. Pattipati, "Precision target tracking of small extended objects", Optical Engineering Journal (SPIE), Vol. 25, Feb. 1990.
- H.M Shertukde and Y. Bar-Shalom, "Detection and estimation for multiple targets with two omni-directional sensors in the presence of false measurements" IEEE Trans. on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, May 1990.
- H.M. Shertukde and Y. Bar-Shalom, "Tracking of Crossing Targets with Imaging Sensors" IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol., 27, No. 4, July 1991.
- Y. Bar-Shalom, F. Palmieri, A. Kumar and H.M. Shertukde, "Analysis of wide-band cross-correlation for target detection and time delay estimation", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Jan 1993.
- H. Shertukde et al, “Guide for detection of Acoustic Emissions from Partial Discharges in oil-immersed Power Transformers, IEEE guide # c.57.127. Since 1995 and being balloted for final approval in 2000.
- H. Shertukde et al, “Guide for location of Acoustic Emissions from Partial Discharges in oil-immersed Power Transformers, IEEE guide # c.57.127.xxx (draft # 10 -drafts being compiled since April 1995 to present).
- H. Shertukde and L. F. Godbout, “Estimating Nickel and Cobalt Isotopes using Digital Matched Filters”, in preparation to be submitted to IEEE transactions on Nuclear instrumentation.
- H. Shertukde, R. Shertukde, “ Design and Manufacture of a Fault Diagnostic Device for Electrical Power Transformers (FD2-EPT) and success stories for on-line monitoring with FAN-EPT”, in preparation to be submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus.
- H. M. Shertukde, et. al. Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Transformers (DPV-Grid TF position Paper, of which I am the Chair. Revisions 7 & 8 IEEE-TC Boston, Fall 11 and IEEE-TC, Nashville, TN, Spring 2012. This is being submitted to the IEEE-PES Transactions this Spring of 2013.
Patents and Software Licenses
Copyright- Software for Detection and Location for Partial Discharges in Oil-filled Electrical Power Transformers Using Supersonic Sensors and Wideband Correlation Techniques - HMSGHAT2000. All rights signed over to H. M. Shertukde by University of Hartford. Joint License owned by Connecticut Light and Power, (Northeast Utilities Systems), CT and Diagnostic Devices Inc., New Britain, CT 06051, March 31, 1998.
- Software for Detection and Location of Partial Discharges in Liquid-filled electrical Power Transformers Using Wavelet Transform Methodology – WTPDDDI2000. Copyright signed over to Diagnostic Devices Inc., New Britain, CT 06051. July 1, 1999.
- Hemchandra M. Shertukde, et al, "Method and Apparatus for Fault Detection” Patent # 6,178,386, January 23, 2001. Exclusive License given to DDI by UHART in December of 2005.
- H. Shertukde and R. Shertukde, “CADSCAN” Provisional Patent – application # US60/464,777, April 2003. (Research funded by DDI)
- H. Shertukde and R. Shertukde, “Apparatus and Method for Non-Invasive Diagnosing of coronary artery disease (CADSCAN)” Utility Patent – application # US10/830,719, April 2004. (Research funded by DDI). Awarded patent # 7,291,111 by USPTO on Nov 6, 2007.
- R. H. Shertukde and H. Shertukde, “Biomedical sock to alleviate Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)” Utility Patent – application # US60/599,661, August 2004. (Research funded by DDI)
- R. H. Shertukde and H. Shertukde, “Head Trauma Cap” Utility Patent – application # US60/599,751, August, 2004. (Research funded by DDI)
- R. H. Shertukde and H. Shertukde, “Economy Class pedal 101 to alleviate Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) problems” Utility Patent – application # US60/599,659, August, 2004. (Research funded by DDI)
- Hemchandra Shertukde and Peter Beckmann, “ Iso-Surface Optimal Membrane Adherent Compliant (ISOMAC) sensor, provisional patent application being applied to the USPTO, Washington DC, April 2005 by MedScanSonics, Inc., Vernon, CT 06066, USA.
- H.M. Shertukde, L.F. Godbout and S.C. Elmurr, "Nuclear Digital Signal Processor",Report # 9006, Engineering Application Center, University of Hartford, CT, Sept., 1990.
- Unpublished reports on the design and manufacture of EHV Transformers and gapped-core shunt reactors, Crompton Greaves Ltd., 1982.
Technical Course notes
- Multisensor Data Fusion for Tracking, 1989 Orlando Engineering update series, sponsored by CREOL and Lasers University of Central Florida, SPIE, Orlando, Florida, 1989.
- HVDC: Theory and Operations, System Operators Training course, Engineering Application Center, University of Hartford, 1989.
- EIT Refresher Course - Mathematics, ABB, Windsor, Sep 1992.
- Fundamentals of Grounding, Wiremold Company, W. Hartford, November 1992.
- EIT Refresher Course - Electrical Circuits, ABB, and February 1994.
- Signal Processing Techniques using Wavelet Transforms for detection and location of partial discharges in electrical power transformers. ABB, Cordoba, Spain, October 30, 2007
- Signal Processing Techniques using Wavelet Transforms for detection and location of partial discharges in electrical power transformers. TRANSCO, Davao, Manila, January 2008
- Small Power Transformer, Theory, Design and Practice, BOMAG, USA, 2008